Matthew 5: 21-37
This portion of the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew’s gospel contains the first four of what are called “the six antitheses.” In each antithesis Jesus will posit what has been said (from the law), and then answer with a response that begins, “but I say to you ….”In these antitheses, Jesus is quite willing to take the Scriptures and to re-form them—sometimes expanding the meaning, sometimes re-focusing the point, and in the last two cases (in next week’s reading, verses 38-48) simply overturning them.
What I find fascinating is that Matthew, in writing this gospel for his audience, is quite willing to show Jesus taking Scriptures and re-forming them. In our age, many Christians have been trained to think that “biblical authority” means saying, “God said it, I believe it, that settles it” or “where the Bible speaks, we speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent.” In this text, Jesus does not share that view of biblical authority.
Jesus’ willingness to state the Scriptures, not as ending points that “settle it” but as beginning points from which to re-form them, lends new meaning to “biblical authority.” It moves the word “authority” away from slavish devotion to the written letter to honoring the authorial power that produces the texts. That authorial power was present when “it was said to the ancients” as well as when Jesus says, “but I say to you.”
Of course, one might argue, “Well, this is Jesus and he has greater authority than the Old Testament.” Jesus himself would have none of that argument, because he did not see his teaching in this sermon as being contrary to the law and prophets but as a fulfillment and accomplishment of them (5:17-18). That is to say, he discloses the fullness of the sayings by stating his understanding, even if his statement fundamentally re-forms the verses he cites.
A question that these antitheses raises is “What does it mean to be faithful to the Scriptures?” I suspect Jesus would respond, “The point is not to be faithful to the Scriptures, but to be faithful to the living God who continues to be present among us.”
Connecting Faith and Life
After reading the scripture, take a moment to reflect on the following:- What word did you utter recently you wish you could take back?
- Whom did you dehumanize by lusting after them, laughing behind their back, gossiping about them?
- What easy lie did you utter this week?
After a moment of reflection, use fingertips (not pens/pencils) to write down responses, fold the papers, and drop them in litter bin/bag. Leave behind your failings, and start again to build a new world.
- Play a game of Jenga.
- After the game reflect on the following: In the laws in the Matthew 5:21–37 passage, we are called to create a world of justice, or forgiveness, peace, reconciliation, love, commitment, and honesty. How might this tower of words be a metaphor/symbol for your community and our world?
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