Glad and Generous Hearts:
The image of Jesus as Good Shepherd is the most common one to be found in the catacombs. In days when Christianity was not yet legal, this symbol clearly evoked Jesus to those within the community, but was just another image for those outside. One source for this image is the parable of the shepherd who hunts for a lost sheep; another is the 10th chapter of John in which Jesus describes himself as the good shepherd. Yet there are other images, too, such as descriptions of things the early church did that were “shepherd-like” in caring for others. How we emulate the shepherd we follow is a key part of being Christian.Acts 2:42–47
As noted in verse 42, the rituals and practices of teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer define the early Christians. Their life together sets the stage for the Spirit’s continuing work of empowering witnesses to proclaim, in word and deed, God’s saving love that comes through Christ.This community of Jesus’ followers is gathered and waiting for Christ to return in glory. To some extent, this is the reason they can sell everything and live sharing all that they have. Their common faith leads to the holding of goods in common. Possessions serve the common good and respond to any in need. Leviticus 25 taught the tradition of Jubilee—an appointed time when debts would be forgiven and slaves would be set free. The redistribution of goods in this community embodies Jubilee and is a witness to their neighbors. The things that give life are shared.
Imagine the questions the neighbors of this group might have asked when observing the way they lived together! Then, as today, the church’s witness is not limited to the words spoken by its members or their deeds of mercy. Sometimes, the most powerful witness of the Christian community is in the testimony of the way it conducts its life together.
Acts 2:47 reports that this community of Jesus’ followers enjoyed the “goodwill of all the people.” “Goodwill” is a translation of a Greek word that also means “grace.” Perhaps such feelings of goodwill made it easier for the Body of Christ in that place to make God’s grace known to their neighbors.
In closing, the passage notes the community’s growth. The writer declares that such transformation comes from God through the power of the Spirit. This is a witness to the church in all times about how growth is a gift of God’s provision of grace, nurture, and feeding.
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One of the key things that this reading from Acts tells us about the early Christians is that they shared their food “with glad and generous hearts” (v. 46, NRSV). Given the persecution of the time and the fact that there was incredible uncertainty about the future, this seems a very courageous and wonderful thing to do. How readily can you live out your Christian faith with a glad and generous heart? What would help make that easier?
Connecting scripture and life
Community seems to be important in this week’s scripture passage. The immediate reality of resurrection was to build community in a new, balanced way. Isolation was not a way of gospel living.
- In what ways can the radical picture of the Acts community be a starting point or inspiration in your own community?
It has been said that one’s authentic self can be found in those places where we are able to be most generous.
- What single change in your living, individually and as a church, might help nurture others as they grow in faith?
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