Each of this week’s texts offers a glimpse of the workings of the Spirit, rather like different facets on a well-cut jewel, each reflecting something new—the same, and different, all at once. In the central Pentecost story in Acts 2 we find a curious piece that sometimes gets overlooked: Luke (the author) speaks of how the spirit was like flames of fire, and like the howling of a wind. Perhaps the bottom line here is that, try as we might, we cannot fully comprehend the mysterious workings of God’s Spirit, and thus any attempt to define that will fall short.Acts 2:1–21
We continue with the story of the disciples after Jesus’ ascension. In Acts 1:4, Jesus tells them to wait in Jerusalem for “the promise” of God. During this time, other Jews are gathered in Jerusalem to commemorate the Hebrew observance of Shavuot or the Feast of Weeks, also called Pentecost. Initially this was a celebration of harvest (Exodus 23:14–17). Later, the festival focused more on Jewish religious history. After the destruction of the Jerusalem temple in 70 CE, the feast was transformed into an observance of the giving of the law on Mount Sinai. Pentecost literally means “fiftieth” (Deuteronomy 16:9–10).God’s law and covenant were the foundation of the community of Israel, described in the Hebrew Scriptures. The writer of Acts describes God’s giving of the Spirit on this day of Pentecost following Jesus’ resurrection as the foundation of a new community living in covenant with God—the Body of Christ.
In Acts 2:1–21, the writer struggles to offer a verbal description of this day’s events. The writer speaks of Pentecost’s phenomena as “like the rush of a violent wind” and “divided tongues, as of fire.” Surely, the words fall short of the stunning reality.
Acts lists an intriguing variety of peoples that make up the crowd on that day. Gathered from a multitude of nations to celebrate Pentecost, they marvel as they hear the gospel proclaimed in their native languages. Explanations of how this might have occurred pale in comparison to what those words convey. Some wonder what the testimony means. Others wonder if the disciples are drunk.
In Hebrew, the word for “hear” also means “obey.” The gift of the Spirit at Pentecost unleashes the Spirit’s power in the disciples, power that strengthens faithful living and witness. The conclusion to this story of Pentecost has remained open down through the centuries since that day.
Additional scriptures:
• Numbers 11:24–30• Psalm 104:24–34, 35b
• 1 Corinthians 12:3b–13
• John 20:19–23
• John 7:37–39
God’s pouring out of the Spirit in ways that do not follow human convention is also evident in Numbers 11:24–30. Joshua complains against the prophesying of two “unauthorized” people. Joshua’s complaint is not unlike that of later disciples who report someone who is “not with us” casting out demons in Jesus’ name (Luke 9:49–50). Moses, as does Jesus, turns aside the murmuring. God’s Spirit is given to whom God chooses.
The writer of Psalm 104:24–34, 35b sings of God’s Spirit breathing life upon all creatures, not human beings alone. God’s Spirit renews the face of the ground.
The nature of God’s Spirit is the focus of the additional texts. According to 1 Corinthians 12:3b–13, the Spirit comes with gifts for the Body of Christ. With these gifts come responsibilities to employ them for the common good. John’s gospel tells of the giving of Spirit in John 20:19–23, when Jesus breathes upon the disciples. In Greek as in Hebrew, “spirit,” “breath,” and “wind” are expressed by the same word. In John 7:37–39, Jesus links the promised gift of Spirit with “living water.” In the arid Near East, water served as a powerful image for life. God’s Spirit flows over all.
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The diverse gifts of God’s Spirit make each person and each part of creation distinctive. From this diversity, the Spirit weaves communities and creation in a common life enriched by God’s presence. What do you sense about the abundance and exuberance of God’s Spirit? What signs of God’s Spirit are emerging or exploding in your own life and in your faith community?
Connecting scripture and life
Consider the different images of the Spirit in today’s readings: fire, wind, water, sound, body, community, and a number of others. Clearly verbal descriptions fall short of representing the reality.- What are the signs of God’s spirit growing more in your own life and in the life of the church?
- How might we make real to the world this life-giving Spirit?
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