Dear Friends,
When you read this I will be on my way to join with clergy of all faiths and with the Standing Rock Sioux nation on the banks of the Missouri River on November 3rd.
We will gather to stand witness to water protector’s acts of compassion for God’s creation, and to the transformative power of God’s love to make a way out of no way.
In recent days, the repressive power of the state has increased: armed riot police are guarding ongoing pipeline construction, increased arrests and repression of non-violent prayerful action. At the same time, Oceti Sakowin water protectors have reclaimed land never relinquished by treaty directly in the path of the pipeline and established a new camp.
Our duty as people of faith and clergy could not be clearer: to stand on the side of the oppressed and to pray for God’s mercy in these challenging times.
Our vision is a day of protective witness in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Nation and with the water protectors. We will gather Wednesday for non-violence training and fellowship, and on Thursday we will act.
The invitation came at the last minute, but the need is clear and I feel well and truly called to be with the people. I am joining a delegation from Hudson River led by Rick Ufford-Chase, and we hope to be back in time for worship on Sunday morning.
Please pray for safe travels and for a peaceful outcome in this situation. You can also join us in spirit, see the following article from
When you read this I will be on my way to join with clergy of all faiths and with the Standing Rock Sioux nation on the banks of the Missouri River on November 3rd.
We will gather to stand witness to water protector’s acts of compassion for God’s creation, and to the transformative power of God’s love to make a way out of no way.
In recent days, the repressive power of the state has increased: armed riot police are guarding ongoing pipeline construction, increased arrests and repression of non-violent prayerful action. At the same time, Oceti Sakowin water protectors have reclaimed land never relinquished by treaty directly in the path of the pipeline and established a new camp.
Our duty as people of faith and clergy could not be clearer: to stand on the side of the oppressed and to pray for God’s mercy in these challenging times.
Our vision is a day of protective witness in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Nation and with the water protectors. We will gather Wednesday for non-violence training and fellowship, and on Thursday we will act.
The invitation came at the last minute, but the need is clear and I feel well and truly called to be with the people. I am joining a delegation from Hudson River led by Rick Ufford-Chase, and we hope to be back in time for worship on Sunday morning.
Please pray for safe travels and for a peaceful outcome in this situation. You can also join us in spirit, see the following article from
Here's the delegation in front of the "hippie van" that's carrying six of us. A beautiful day for a road trip! |
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